Media Watch
Posted by Concept2 News on the 16th of June 2001
After tipping indoor rowing enthusiast Sarah Odell as one to watch and support on ITV's reality game show Survivor, the curse of the Indoor Rowing News struck once again as she was immediately voted off the island. Still, at least this means we don't have to watch it anymore and we can get back to discussing just how annoying Penny is in Big Brother II.It does show, however, that the curse is still in action. Indeed, many seasoned commentators pin-point recent political events from the moment when William Hague appeared on an Indoor Rower as part of a photoshoot. _______________________________________________________FEEDBACKLike what you read? Dislike what you read? Ideas for future newsletters? Make sure to tell us at [email protected]. Or of course, you could always tell us at our message board: http://www.therowingcompany.com/messageboard.htm. Oh go on._____________________________________________________BACK ISSUESBack issues of the Indoor Rowing News are now available on-line at http://www.therowingcompany.com/v4/newsletter_index.php3. New issues will be posted on the release date of the following newsletter.