Concept 2 Message Board
Posted by Concept2 News on the 2nd of August 2001
When the Indoor Rowing News was young and carefree and used to scamper about tra-la-la-ing in the playground, we were always somewhat on the fringes of the in-crowd. Where other newsletters used to play at being Batman or Wonder-Woman, we always wanted to be Noel Edmonds and used to try desperately to persuade another newsletter to be Posh Paws. For you see, we loved the Multi-Coloured Swap Shop even more than we now love Swarfega (mmm, greasy).So recently, when we saw the abundance of For Sale/Wanted messages posted on the Concept 2 Message Board (http://www.therowingcompany.com/messageboard.htm), we immediately remembered our long-held dream and established a new Marketplace category. This should make it a bit easier for those of you who want to get rid of your Indoor Rowers (boo) to match up with those of you who want to buy one (yay). And if there's any messages along the lines of Wanted: anything to do with Five Star. Offers: Scalextric 200 track and cars that'd be fine by us.