Concept Ranking
Posted by Concept2 News on the 2nd of February 2004
You can't move nowadays without being hit by a stray list. Turn on your telly and you're besieged with Top 10 this, Best 100 that. The only trouble is, they're all pants. One list that is great, however, and is guaranteed not to feature rubbish TV comedians, is the Concept 2 Ranking. An annual compilation of the best times in Britain, the deadline for this year is April 30th. There are six individual categories (500m, 2,000m, 5,000m, 10,000m, 21,097, 42,195m) as well as four team events (one hour, 21,097m, 42,195m, 100,000m). The quickest and easiest way to enter is to sign up for the On-Line World Ranking and make sure your nationality is set as British or Irish. Your times will then automatically be entered into the Ranking. Alternatively, you can download a PDF entry form from the Ranking section of the Concept 2 site.On-line World Ranking: http://www.concept2.com/sranking03/log_start.aspBritish Ranking: http://www.therowingcompany.com/ranking/