Fresh Lick Of Paint
Posted by Concept2 News on the 17th of February 2004
When the jokes start to wear thin and things begin to get a bit stale, it's time to put a bit of effort into making it work again, like the good old days when you used to hang around together in the park after school. Or, alternatively, you can splash on a few colours and the odd picture and hope nobody notices you recycling all your old jokes. Whatever fits really.Anyway, for those of you whose email software can accept it, you should be seeing a slightly glitzier version of the newsletter. Woo hoo. Let us know what you think of the change, especially if it looks like a pig's dinner on your computer. This new format should allow us to include the odd photograph and table and be both easier on the eye and to navigate.On the other hand, however, if this strikes you as the worse change since they started calling it Snickers, worry not. You can opt to receive the trad. arr. text-only version instead by clicking on Update your Profile at the bottom of the newsletter, and choosing Text as the message format. Alternatively, if you're not seeing our elegant and minimal colour scheme, make sure you have the message format set to HTML.Oh, one more thing. We've been getting a number of emails from subscribers recently complaining that they've stopped receiving the newsletter. It looks like some email filter software, especially on BT accounts, has started to tag the Indoor Rowing News as worthless spam. Yeah, beats us too. Apparently, the best thing to do in this case is to add [email protected] to your address book, and hopefully it should start letting it through again. And yes, we know that the people affected won't receive this instruction, but what can you do eh?