Around the world on an indoor rowing machine
Posted by Concept2 News on the 30th of March 2010
In Basingstoke town centre there is a man attempting what some people might believe is impossible; to row around the world without stepping foot off dry land.
Way back in May 2008 Dave Holby took up the challenge to set a new Guinness World Record and become the first person to cover the distance around the entire globe on an indoor rowing machine.
At the time of publication he had completed over 25,300 km and was currently around the area of Braganca in Brazil on his virtual world map. Now, just 14,756 km and nine months stand between Dave and the completion of his epic journey.
Most days Dave can be found ploughing away on his trusty Concept 2 rowing machine and he is currently aiming to finish his challenge just before Christmas.
"At the moment I have to row at least 62 km a day, five days a week. On a good day I can get through that in about seven hours, on a really slow day it sort of takes closer to eight. I have to do that at least five days a week to stay on my target of 310 km each week," he explained.
From a young age Dave had an interest in rowing and took part in the sport at university. But lacking the power needed to compete, he looked for more creative ways to take part in the sport.
Dave and his friend Jim started taking their indoor rowing machines into town centres across the country raising money for various charities.
However, undertaking a challenge as extreme and time consuming as rowing round the world obviously requires a lot more motivation. And Dave has one very good reason for getting up and getting on his indoor rowing machine each morning.
He is raising money for Breakthrough Breast Cancer in the name of a very special grandmother who died of the disease almost 20 years ago and a great aunt who is currently ill.
During the challenge he said he has met a lot of inspirational women fighting cancer and people who have lost loved ones to the disease, which keeps him motivated.
"Everyone in town has been so wonderful, bringing food and drinks and just talking to me time on end, because whenever I am talking to them it obviously takes my mind off the achy legs and a sore back and the kinds of things that generally affect the body at the end of the day," he added.
So far, Dave has managed to raise almost £12,800, but said he still has a long way to go to reach his eventual target of £55,000.
Corporate sponsorship is one source which it is hoped will boost his final total and his website, worldrecordrow.com, should play a big part in this.
"I think I've always been of the opinion that if I raise another penny by the end of this year then it's a penny that the charity otherwise wouldn't have had," he explained.
But not content with setting just one world record, Dave has even bigger plans for his indoor rowing machine.
He currently holds four and hopes to achieve his fifth by the end of April, the record for the most metres covered on an indoor rowing machine in one season.
In fact, by the end of the challenge Dave wants to have set nine world records, despite creating his original target of six.
"As the race continues a couple of other mad rowers have come out and said, 'well have you ever thought about doing this'.
"I have managed to not let anybody down yet but it will be a lovely feeling when it's all done, although I think I will miss it as well," he explained.
And while this will probably be the last major indoor rowing challenge he undertakes, Dave said he would continue to keep raising money for Breakthrough Breast Cancer.
"I think at the back of their mind everybody has got a challenge in them and I have always thought this one is mine. But while I've still got strength in my legs I will help raise money for the rest of my life."