Intensive exercise studied in children
Posted by Concept2 News on the 24th of November 2009
Researchers in Scotland are looking into the benefits of intense exercise among schoolchildren in a bid to tackle obesity in the country.
The studies, which are being carried out by the University of the West of Scotland and involve from Holy Cross High School in Lanarkshire, aim to show that the intensity of a workout is more important than its duration, according to the BBC.
The news provider reports that UWS believes there is a lack of clinical evidence to support the view that the one hour per day of moderate activity which is recommended for youngsters has any short or long-term health benefits.
Project leader Professor Julien Baker told reporters: "The duration, type, and intensity of exercise needed to get cardiovascular and psychological health benefits in young people remains unclear."
He added that he hopes the studies will help improve approaches to physical education in Scottish secondary schools.
Earlier this week, research by the British Heart Foundation revealed that just one in ten UK children get the recommended 60 minutes of exercise per day.