SkiErg Technique - The Drop
Muscle Groups
The entire area of the legs, hips and torso, including: Quads, Gluteal, Erectors, Psoas, Obliques, Intercostals, Rhomboids, Seratus, Lats

Take hold of the straps and relax your elbows (make them heavy). Pull your arms into your chest until the inside of your ribs meet your upper arms. Keep your arms in this position throughout the duration of performing the Drop whilst maintaining a lift in your ribs to keep your chest in contact with your arms. The immobilization of the arms is important, for through this you'll activate the deeper muscles within the shoulder girdle. The power is found in the dropping of your body, not the pulling from your arms.
Take a small step back and check that your heels are underneath your sit-bones (the boney part of the joint between your legs and hips).
Allow yourself to hinge from your knees and hips, Drop backwards and down just as you would fall into a comfy chair. Whilst dropping back see if you can keep your knees tracking in-line over your toes making sure you stop the drop before your thighs get parallel to the floor.
The first few movements will be shallow in order to get the flywheel moving, after this, gradually deepen the movement to a depth you feel comfortable.
Use the natural elasticity of your muscles in time with the recoil of the SkiErg to allow yourself to return to beginning of the movement.