Indoor Sport Services Training Guide
Our Indoor Rowing Training Guide is the ultimate training resource for the Indoor Rower.
Written by top education and coaching specialists, it includes information on technique and training,
with programmes on cross-training, 2,000m and marathon race training, weight management and keep fit.
There are guest chapters written by top names such as Jurgen Grobler and Chris Shambrook as well as
dedicated sections on psychology, nutrition and weight training.
Weight Training - Clean and Press
<< Bench PressJack-knife Crunch >>
Exercise 9 - Clean and Press
Compound exercise working the legs, back, deltoids and biceps.
Method: Stand feet apart with your toes under the bar. Crouch down keeping the back flat and grasp the bar with the knuckles facing forward. Stand erect pulling the bar straight up close to the body until it is in line with the top of the chest. At this point bend the knees, and bring the elbows under the bar so it is resting on the chest. Press up with your arms and hold the bar at arms length above the head then bend the arms and bring the bar back across the chest. Lower the bar close to the body down to the thighs then bend the legs keeping the back flat lowering the bar to the floor.