Indoor Sport Services Training Guide
Our Indoor Rowing Training Guide is the ultimate training resource for the Indoor Rower.
Written by top education and coaching specialists, it includes information on technique and training,
with programmes on cross-training, 2,000m and marathon race training, weight management and keep fit.
There are guest chapters written by top names such as Jurgen Grobler and Chris Shambrook as well as
dedicated sections on psychology, nutrition and weight training.
Sports Psychology - Introduction To Mental Fitness
<< Weight Management ProgrammeWhy Bother With Psychological Training? >>
There is a great deal that could be written about the mental side of exercising and competing. However, rather than overload you with ideas and instructions, the following will simply highlight some of the more important points that relate to helping you get the most out of your Indoor Rower from the psychological perspective. If this information raises your interest, and you want to get more detailed insights in the psychology of sport, then The Mental Game Plan: Getting Psyched for Sport is a really useful starting point (available from All of the information in the book, and set out below is designed to be simple, practical ideas that can be integrated into the training that you might already be doing.
Here is what we are going to introduce you to:
- Why Bother with Psychological Training?
- Setting Targets and Goals - the Basic Tips.
- Concentration Tips for Use on the Indoor Rower.
- Building your Confidence/Monitoring Progress.
- Competition Specific Psychology - Performance Reviews.
All of the information you will read here should be common sense, but unfortunately, it is not commonly applied. Therefore, the biggest challenge you will have, as with all advice, is sticking with the recommendations, and giving them enough time in order that they can start to have a real benefit for you.