Indoor Sport Services Training Guide
Our Indoor Rowing Training Guide is the ultimate training resource for the Indoor Rower.
Written by top education and coaching specialists, it includes information on technique and training,
with programmes on cross-training, 2,000m and marathon race training, weight management and keep fit.
There are guest chapters written by top names such as Jurgen Grobler and Chris Shambrook as well as
dedicated sections on psychology, nutrition and weight training.
Preset Programmes - Interactive 2,000m Programme
<< Original 2,000m Training ProgrammeMarathon Training >>
The 2,000 metre Interactive Training Programme allows everybody, whether couch potato or Olympic Superstar, to get hold of a fitness routine that works for them. To generate your training programme, first choose your athlete level, using the key below as a guide. Then choose how many sessions a week you are able to train and how many weeks there are to go until race day. Finally, click on the Get Training Programme button and either print out or bookmark your personalised programme.
» Visit Interactive Training Programme page